
02, May 2023



日本動漫的經典作品眾多,題材豐富,不少作品的影響力跨越多個年代,陪伴著眾多大人小朋友一起成長。這些作品經得起時間考驗,觀眾在不同的成長階段欣賞,亦有不同的體會和感受 - 小時候以為的輕鬆玩味,長大後才領悟到箇中道理。

Cantabile 將於今年六月四至五日(星期日及星期一)假 香港文化中心-音樂廳舉行音樂會《宮崎駿與日本動漫文化》,以管弦樂團及合唱團形式演繹多首著名日本動漫主題曲及配樂,讓觀眾回憶起從前觀看動漫作品時得到的啟發,相信懷著此刻的心情欣賞也會有另一番感受。

「現在放棄的話,比賽就結束了」- Slam Dunk

* 音樂會將以廣東話進行

門票於城市售票網發售 (https://www.urbtix.hk/event-detail/10013/)
票價: $480 | $380 | $280
*5月20日或之前購買正價門票可享7折早鳥優惠 ($280門票除外)

團體購票優惠 (5月21日起生效,不適用於$280門票):
同時購買正價門票5-9張可獲9折優惠; 10-14張可獲8折優惠; 15張或以上可獲7折優惠
^ 購買每張門票,只可享有上述其中一項購票優惠



From time to time there are great Japanese anime in various themes released to the world and their influences last through several generations. It’s almost undeniable that these anime are part of the memories and lives of many adults and children. We always have different takeaways and feel differently when watching them at different times in our lives - what we thought was funny and playful when we were young turned out to be life principles and golden inspirations when we grow older.

Cantabile is going to present the concert Hayao Miyazaki and the Japanese Anime Culture on 4-5th June 2023 (Sunday and Monday) at 8pm at Hong Kong Cultural Centre – Concert Hall. Performed by Cantabile Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Cantabile is making a journey with the audience to bring back all the childhood memories, listening to the music now with a different mindset we will surely be inspired for one more time.

This concert is also a tribute to all outstanding authors, manga artists and animators who definitely are worth our appreciation. If you have dreams and goals that you want to achieve, you must hold on to it, because
"When you give up, that’s when the game is over" - Slam Dunk

* Concert will be conducted in Cantonese

Tickets are available at URBTIX (https://www.urbtix.hk/event-detail/10013/)
Pricing: $480 | $380 | $280
* Enjoy 30% early-bird discount on purchasing standard tickets on or before 20 May 2023 (except for $280 tickets)

50% off for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities & the minder (except for $480 tickets)
Group booking discount (except for $280 tickets):
10% discount for every purchase of 5-9 standard tickets;
20% discount for 10-14 standard tickets; 30% discount for 15 or more standard tickets
^ Patrons can enjoy only one of the above discount schemes for each purchase