The Fairy Queen

10, Jan 2024

The Fairy Queen


The initial idea of doing The Fairy Queen started back in 2019, unfortunately things did not work out as planned at that time in Hong Kong. We then tried again in 2020 but it was not a better year neither when COVID-19 kicked in. And guess what? Cantabile never loses faith all these years and we are going to bring this idea back now in 2024 to our audience who – same as us - still has passion for music!

With that said, Cantabile is thrilled to announce that we are going to present the concert The Fairy Queen on 18th Mar 2024 (Monday) at 8pm at Hong Kong City Hall – Concert Hall. Performed by Cantabile Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, together with some professional performers invited from overseas, Cantabile is finally taking the audience to discover this wonderland. The performance was based on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and was later modified into a 5-Act semi-opera, which vividly highlighted the love story between the King and Queen of the fairies.

Cantabile would like to take the opportunity to perform to audience some classical Baroque pieces which are rare in Hong Kong, and The Fairy Queen would be an interesting and lovely one in celebrating our post-pandemic era as well.
Tickets are available at URBTIX (
Pricing: $380 | $280 | $180
* Enjoy 30% early-bird discount on purchasing standard tickets on or before 18 Feb 2024 (except for $180 tickets)
50% off for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities & the minder
Group booking discount:
10% discount for every purchase of 5-9 standard tickets;
20% discount for 10-14 standard tickets; 30% discount for 15 or more standard tickets
^ Patrons can enjoy only one of the above discount schemes for each purchase

是時候展開帷幕吧   《精靈女王》

製作The Fairy Queen (下稱《精靈女王》) 的想法早就在2019年萌生了,不幸的是這計劃在當時候並沒有趕得上變化。於是我們於2020 年再度嘗試,卻又遇上新冠肺炎爆發,只能說那年也不是一個好的時機吧。然而,Cantabile 多年來並沒有把這項目忘掉,就在 2024 新一年的開始,我們決心要把它帶到觀眾面前,只因為他們和我們一樣,依然對音樂充滿熱情!
Cantabile 由衷的宣布,我們將於2024年3月18日(星期一)晚上8時假 香港大會堂 - 音樂廳舉辦《精靈女王》音樂會。 由Cantabile 交響樂團和合唱團演出,並邀請了一些海外專業音樂家,帶領觀眾一同探索這個仙境。本劇最初改編自莎士比亞的《仲夏夜之夢》,後來又改編為五幕版的半歌劇,全劇生動地展現了國王與精靈女王之間的愛情故事。
Cantabile 希望藉此機會為觀眾表演一些在香港不常看見的巴洛克經典作品,《精靈女王》是一個既生動又有趣的作品,大概也恰好用於歌頌後疫情時代的光景吧。

門票於城市售票網發售 (
票價: $380 | $280 | $180
*2月18日或之前購買正價門票可享7折早鳥優惠 ($180門票除外)
同時購買正價門票5-9張可獲9折優惠; 10-14張可獲8折優惠; 15張或以上可獲7折優惠
^ 購買每張門票,只可享有上述其中一項購票優惠